Friday, 3 July 2015

Artificial Eyes in India: Hope Renewed

The rate of ocular prosthesis has been increased by 5 % in last 4 years. An ocular prosthesis is also known as the phenomena of having the artificial eye in replacement of the totally damaged eye due to any disease or if it is not present by birth naturally. Although, the vision is not restored, but you can enjoy the daily life with a normal appearance. The methods used to replace the Artificial Eyes in India are enucleation, orbital exenteration and evisceration. The removal of the affected eye through enucleation or the evisceration method is very helpful, in relieving the pain and involve the less risk for life. This is the most used method being used to get the Artificial Eyes in India. Most surgeons use the orbital implants and also Ocular Prosthesis in Delhi for restoring the person’s natural appearance.

The orbital implant is done after the eye is filled with the eye socket and the eye movement is enhanced. Here to give it a natural look and avoid a sunken look to the eye socket, the eye socket is filled with a fix calculated volume of filler  material and then the implants which can be of plastic, glass or any suitable light weight alloy is inserted and fixed in the eye socket. Once the healing of the conjunctiva is completed and there is no more swelling the prosthesis is fabricated by the ocularist to give it the appearance of the natural eye. The shape and dimensions of this artificial eye are designed so precisely that it fix well behind the eyelids. The implant is done so that the visible ocular prosthesis can adjust with the orbital implant and thus can move simultaneously with the other eye.
For the cleaning and caring purpose some of these artificial eyes can also be removed. But it is always better to get it done from the best expert of Ocular Prosthesis in Delhi.

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