Thursday, 16 April 2015

artificial eye center delhi, India - Ocular Prosthesis Delhi, India
 Eye is a part of the five important sense organs of any living being and hence is no doubt an important part of the body without which the whole world gets dark. But there can be a number of situations when the eye can get damaged due to certain disease or even an accident. Maximum cases are solved by surgery or by other medical attention but there also can be a chance when the iris or the pupil of the eye has to be removed leaving a blank socket on the face. This at times brings down the confidence of a person and can also lead the person to depression and other stress related conditions.

To deal with such situations, now medical science has come up with an alternative known as Ocular Prosthesis where the affected person is provided with an artificial eye so that he or she can gain back the confidence of mixing with other people in the society. At present Ocular Prosthesis Delhi, India has solved many such cases and has offered artificial eyes to many patients so that they can lead their life normally like any other individual.

Like any other eye center artificial eye center Delhi, India also have experts who prepare artificial eye for the patients after studying properly the condition of the patient’s eye socket. The mold is mainly made up of wax and plaster of Paris and the other parts such as the iris or the pupil is made up of plastic. Various colors and other medical chemicals are used to make the eye look like the original one. In case if the patient has lost only one eye, then the experts try to copy the texture of the survived eye so that exactly a copy of that eye can be created to give the patient a normal life.

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