Saturday, 31 May 2014

Prosthetic Eyes: Changing Lives of People

The loss of an eye can be caused due to illness, injuries, accidents or any other mishaps. A missing eye or an eye with defect brings a drastic change on the look and appearance of a person. However, medical science has a remedy called prosthetic eyes which enables to overcome such issues. Prosthetic eyes are basically artificial eyes which are made almost similar looking to the other eye and help in improving the appearance of the person.

Losing the eye may be a traumatic experience and several questions bother the mind related to the look and appearance. Prosthetic eyes in India are the best option for those who are worried with such questions in their mind. At Art Eyes, we are concerned with the comfort as well as the cosmetic appearance of the patient. Thus we make the prosthesis by taking custom impression of eye socket individually fabricated to fit the size and shape of the eye. Due to its custom fit and excellent finish this prosthesis can be worn continuously for months together without need of frequent removal. Custom fitting of prosthesis also allows the best possible movement in the artificial eyes.

The material used to make the artificial eyes in India is approved for medical usage and is known as PMMA plastic.
The people, who replace their defected eye with the artificial eyes, must take several safety measures to avoid irritation once the artificial eye is inserted. Once the eye replacement is done, the patient must take some precautions for the care of the artificial eyes so as to avoid any damage or any complications. The patient while washing the eyes should make sure that they are not using any alcoholic cleaners as it could destroy the exterior of the eye. Instead of such alcoholic cleaners, they can use baby shampoo which are mild in nature and will not harm the eyes if accidentally inserted into the eyes while washing the face.

Inserting and removing the prosthetic eyes are also important and needs careful attention. To insert the artificial eye, the patient must retract the upper eyelid and slide the eye into the socket, then slowly pushing the eye retract the lower lid and insert the artificial eye. After inserting the eye you may need to blink the eyes several times to make it comfortable. Removing the eye is more challenging than inserting. The ocularist is likely to provide the patient with a suction cup that will help in easily removing the artificial eye from the socket. The training of inserting and removing the eye is given by the ocularist and they make the patient capable enough to handle it on their own, by making them insert and remove the eye several times.

Refitting the prosthetic eyes after particular time periods is also important. In case of adults, the ocularists may refit their artificial eye every three to five years. In case of children, depending upon the age factor, the refitting of the artificial eye may be required several times a year. The prosthetic eyes or the artificial eyes are a boon for one eyed people. 

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